Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Casting Out Devils - Demonology in the 21st Century

Enjoying Jesus speaking to His disciples: "Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" (John 6:70) Then the Jewish people accuse Jesus of having a devil (John 7:20). But many in laughable churches today don't even believe in devils.

Tell that to the Hindu woman with the red dot on her forehead in New Delhi, India who I laid hands on and prayed for saying, "Come out in Jesus Name!" (She didn't speak any English so I didn't have to worry about offending her when she asked me to pray for her. Besides if a person does not have the Spirit of Christ, they got another spirit in them - Romans 8:9).

So this Hindu lady fell to the ground and started slithering (well, not her, but the devil in her) like a snake. I wish I had my video camera with me in those days. Nevertheless the power of Jesus Christ set the woman free and moved so powerfully he son and uncle were all also healed, saved and delivered in the same meeting!!!

As for me I like to see the Holy Spirit move in power and use me to cast out devils in Jesus Name! (Luke 10:17-20; Matthew 12:28) Part of doing good is break demon power oppressing precious people (Acts 10:38).

Thank God for the light of His Word and power of His Spirit to get the job done! (Mark 16:20)

To God be the glory! - donkey for Jesus enjoying the ride - Invite worldwide minister and author of "Supernatural Fire" to minister in your city


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